Über Startup Tour Berlin

We are team of startup enthusiasts, well established within Berlin’s startup scene. Our team members have previously worked in startups, marketing, consulting, and research. This diverse set of backgrounds enables us to always track the latest trends across industries. Building on more than 120 Startup Tours, we know exactly what corporates and SMEs need to know about, when it comes to digital transformation. All our knowledge and experience help us to make each and every Startup Tour an unforgettable and inspiring experience.
Meet our partners
Our ability to organize highly personalized Startup Tours depends as much on our core team, as it does on our strong network within Berlin’s startup scene. Over the past years, we established a large network of successful founders, innovators, and investors, as well as, locations and venues that are hotspots of Berlin’s startup scene. While some of our partners contribute to our Startup Tours through inspiring talks and workshops, others help us to introduce our guests to some of the most important startup hotspots across the city.